Participatory Budget

We Decide! Participatory Budget of the University of Algarve.

Participatory Budget (OP-UAlg)

In 2024, the University of Algarve makes 80.000 Euros available to the academic community in favour of projects that improve the well-being of the community.

  • 40.000 Euros, for students
  • 40.000 Euros, for teaching staff, non-teaching and researchers



Calendar 2024

Preparation of the process until April 14th
Submission of proposals April 15th to May 17th
Participatory meetings April 18th and 19th
Technical analysis of proposals until September 16th
Disclosure and public debate of the proposals until October 31th
Voting on proposals November 4th to 18th
Disclosure of results December 2024
Execution of proposals 2025


Proposals can be built individually or by teams of up to six people. There will be teams of two types:

  1. UAlg Students;
  2. UAlg teachers, staff and researchers.

Proposals must be supported by at least 10 members of the academic community.

Each participant can submit more than one proposal.

Proposers should consult the eligibility criteria for proposals, as set out in the Participatory Budgeting Regulations

Authors who wish to clarify doubts or benefit from support in realizing their ideas can participate in the following information sessions (time and place to be announced):

- Penha Campus: April 18

- Gambelas Campus: April 19th

- Portimão Campus: April 18th

Applications: 15 April to 17 May 2024.

Proposal Submission Here



Proposal No. and Name No. of Votes
2 - Espaço de Convívio, Estudo e Alimentação 855
11 - Seguimos Juntos! Apoio psicológico na transição para o Ensino Superior 517
1 -  Instalação de mobiliário urbano 483
8 - Campus Criativo: Convivência ao Ar Livre 396
12 - Bicicletas Partilhadas 348
6 - STELLAR - Programa de Desenvolvimento Profissional e Pessoal 329
3 - Hub de Empreendedorismo, Inovação e Sustentabilidade 306
4 - Projeto Melhoria Campus Portimão 285
5 - Move-te na UAlg 266
13 - UAlg Happy Strays 229
9 - Renovação Instrumentos TunaBebes 180
10 - Quadra de Areia da Universidade do Algarve 157
7 - Captação de Recursos Externos para o OP-UAlg 77


The procedures for implementing the proposals funded by the OP are:

- Espaço de convívio, estudo e alimentação

- Seguimos juntos! Apoio psicológico na transição para o Ensino Superior

- Instalação de mobiliário urbano


Regulamento do Orçamento Participativo da UAlg
Comissão de Acompanhamento do Regulamento Orçamento Participativo da UAlg

Participatory Budget
